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Final Data from the PT-VWD Project at ISTH-SSC Cairo May 2010

June 10th 2010

The final results from a three years project searching for the rare bleeding disorder PT-VWD in addition to Updates on the PT-VWD registry  were presented at the ISTH-56th SSC meeting in Cairo on May 24th 2010. The project is now finalized. The registry and search for the disease will continue. Publication is underway. 

PT-VWD Registry and Worldwide Survey to be Discussed at the ISTH SSC- VWF Meeting

July 10th 09

The PT-VWD registry and results from a worldwide survey will be discussed at the Von Willebrand Factor  SSC- bussiness session on Sunday July 12th 09  at 9:30- 12:00 , room 109 AB, Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, Boston, MA. This occurs as a part of the XXII Congress and the 55th Meeting of the Scientific and Standardization Committee of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis.

Canadian PT-VWD project Update at ISTH July 2009

April 30th 2009

Progress and update from the Canadian PT-VWD project will be discussed in the von Willebrand Disease oral Session at  ISTH July 2009. http://www.isth2009.com


Programme Number: OC-WE-134
Session Title: von Willebrand Disease
Session Date and Time: Wednesday July 15 – 4:00PM – 5:00PM
Order 2. presentation
Session Room: 204 AB
Presenting Author: Maha  Othman

Results from PT-VWD Project Reported to ISTH-SSC on VWF, Vienna July 2008

October 26 2008

Data from the Canadian PT-VWD project was presented in the ISTH-SSC meeting on VWD on July 3-4 as a part of Updates on VWD registries. Click here to see minutes from the meeting

Preleminary Data from the Canadian PT-VWD project Presented in World Federation of Hemophilia Congress-Istanbul June 1-6 2008

May 30 2008

Preleminary data from the Canadian PT-VWD project is presented in the WFH congress Istanbul 1-6 2008

For information click here

ISTH EQATH Program Distributes Information about the Canadian PT-VWD Project

April 16 2008 

Through the ISTH EQATH, these participants have distributed information about the participation in the Canadian PT-VWD project:

RCPA-QAP: Australia
QMP-LS: Canada
LEECH: Spain
NASCOLA: United States

QMP-LS Distributes an Announcement Regarding the Canadian PT-VWD Project

March 15 2008

QMP-LS (Quality Mangament Program – Labaoratory Service) distributes an announcement regarding a project to investigate the occurrence of platelet type von Willebrand Disease (PT-VWD) and differential identification from the closely similar, type 2B VWD to laboratories performing von Willebrand investigations in Ontario, Canada

Hemophilia Today Announces Participation in PT-VWD Project and Funds Renewal

April 15 2008

Hemophilia Today Announces Participation in the Platelet Type VWD Project and Canadian Hemophilia Society approved second year funding in its Spring 2008 Edition, Vol. 2.

Hemophilia Today is the official publicartion of the Canadian Hemophilia society.

Click here for more information

Welcome to PT-VWD.org

June 12 2006


Maha OthmanThe overall aim of the PT-VWD database/ registry project is to determine the frequency of this rare bleeding disorder in the world and to collect data about the molecular pathology, phenotype/ genotype correlations as well as treatment. Therefore, we invite you to complete a form that includes the main information in order to allow us to learn about your experience with PT-VWD patients and if you would like to participate in the Canadian PT-VWD project.

The objectives of the PT-VWD Registry are:

  • To document patients with Platelet- type VWD worldwide.
  • To characterize genetic abnormalities responsible for this phenotype and to determine the frequency of misdiagnoses among type 2 B VWD
  • To increase awareness among physicians, hematologists and patients about the importance of discrimination between type 2B and PT-VWD
  • To improve the understanding of natural history of the disease, diagnosis and management and to establish a standard for treatment of bleeding conditions as well as prophylaxis.

Physicians worldwide are encouraged to collaborate, share observations, and evaluation data in an effort to guide and assess future diagnostic/therapeutic interventions.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or by email in case any further details are required.

Yours sincerely,

Maha Othman MD MSc PhD

Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine
Queen’s University
Kingston, Ontario

This project is funded by: